Thursday, September 9, 2010

beauty all in one photo.


i think this is what i want to do with my life.

take photos like this one. i've always been one to lean towards the fine arts, thanks to my beautiful mother. i just don't think that math equations and chemical experiments can make me as happy as capturing those precious moments in life.

Many lives, not just one, not just me, but others as well.

I think using the creativity in me will make me happy and isn't that what life (and my blog) is all about?

Photos just give me that awe that i need in my life. I have always been a fan of art and art history. I have just have this great appreciation for it. Tracey has also been an inspiration with her photography.

Art is imagination put onto a canvas and in other cases a studio, stage, etc. Art comes in all forms, not just one.

Too bad I haven't signed up for an art class this semester. I guess that will motivate me to live through to the next semester.

Be happy and live out your dreams.

xoxo -Krista


  1. this is beautiful.
    I love photography.

  2. You will do amazing things!!!! How's school?! Hope FABULOUS!!
